We had such an amazing time last night in Toronto attending TechFest 2015 hosted by TechVibes! 750 people were in attendance checking out a range of awesome tech companies who are all offering some pretty amazing opportunities. Read More
We had such an amazing time last night in Toronto attending TechFest 2015 hosted by TechVibes! 750 people were in attendance checking out a range of awesome tech companies who are all offering some pretty amazing opportunities. Read More
This past weekend, Big Viking Games had the honour of attending the HTML500 event with many other talented companies and organizations in London. The event was created by Lighthouse Labs – a Vancouver based Development Bootcamp which dedicates itself to teaching individuals everything they need to know about coding and programming to become wizards at their craft – all in 8 intensive weeks. The event itself is a short snippet of that, where one of the instructors teaches a group of 500 how to build a basic website from scratch (all for free), and the participants work closely with developers to accomplish this task. Read More
Working at a startup isn’t just about the perks (we already know those are awesome!). It’s also about growing your career and really mastering your craft which can definitely be a difficult feat! There are many benefits to working at a startup that some people don’t even realize until you get your foot in the door. So, what is it really like? Read More
We sat down with three lovely lady Vikings to ask them some questions regarding their experience in the gaming world and in the Viking world. Often times, we’re asked about where all the women are in our industry and why there aren’t more of them, but realistically this particular industry is made up of many talented and inspiring women.
Nora L., Graphic Designer, Vanessa T., Artist/Animator, and Angela O., Illustrator gave their own answers to how they believe women are represented in the gaming world in Canada, read below: Read More